Fully-automatic Workshop Need Automatic Screw Fastening Robot


In recent years, soldering machines, automatic screw fastening machines and other automation technologies and industrial robots have made great achievements in small and medium-sized enterprises in five major industries and eight major processing technologies. Among them, 3C, auto parts, diagnosis and treatment, food, and new energy Technology is one of the five major industries with great development potential. At present, smart manufacturing companies tend to disrupt the industry chain. Among them, the automobile industry is an important support industry for industrial robots. Relevant data shows that 61% of China's industrial robots are used in the automobile manufacturing industry.
Judging from the overall development trend of China's manufacturing industry, the development trend of industrial robots depends more on explosive industries, such as the requirements for robots in the 3C industry. As domestic smartphones become more powerful, domestic automobiles and new energy technologies will become the general trend of popular development. Although some companies in China still have a weak foundation for intelligent manufacturing, according to the current overall research results on industrial robots, the situation of manufacturing in no-man's land has been determined. Various industrial robot manufacturing industries are continuing to explore new directions to increase their explosive power.
                                                                                     Automatic Screw Fastening Robot
At present, compared with the huge scale of intelligent manufacturing of traditional industrial system integrators, some emerging intelligent manufacturing service providers will choose more hardware equipment to enhance their competitive advantages. At the implementation level, the problem lies in the limited capacity of the industry that is deeply cultivated. Currently, the segmented industries in the industrial manufacturing industry are pan-entertainment-oriented. For general integration examples in the segmented industries, automation technology services cannot currently be achieved.
In addition, customer satisfaction in flexible production is another development trend in the industry. Under the requirements of a huge equipment manufacturing production line, the company's back-end technical operations are mostly based on robotics research, robot control system development and design, algorithm optimization, robot design R&D and manufacturing, and robot application business departments (integrated planning). plan, automation technology overall planning) and other parts. In line with the mass-production customized manufacturing process required by China's industrial chain, industrial robot manufacturers will provide customers with corresponding service methods, such as distributed architecture or integrated architecture.
The development trend of industrial robots does not happen overnight. The accumulation and development of the industrial chain must follow the trend, and industry work experience and work experience are key elements to gain customer trust. Compared with industrial robots from various countries around the world, there are still differences in the credibility of Chinese industrial robots.